# Translation Units Documentation for FRINX Uniconfig

# Auto-generated documentation

A documentation to translation-units that is generated automatically from the source code and javadocs can be found here. This documentation is useful to check actual implementations, whether a functionality is implemented for a particular device and by which protocol (netconf or cli).

# Manual documentation

This repository contains documentation for all available translation units. A translation unit is a piece of code that includes handlers to read from or write to a specific device (e.g. Cisco IOS classic router) and facilitates the translation in OpenConfig models. The purpose of this documentation is to see which commands can be read and set and how they map to the respective YANG models. Every section has a README file that provides an overview of all show and configuration commands that are supported.

# OPERATIONAL datasets

Go to operational datasets

Show commands are commands that usually on Cisco device start with 'show'. The aim is to obtain data from the router.


GET operation issued on operational datastore


In case of show commands this section is a sample output of a particular show command.


In this section we list the actual router commands with sample outputs, where the data obtained and transformed into OpenConfig YANG is marked as bold. We list show commands and outputs for each supported device OS.

IOS XR | IOS Classic/XE | Junos


In case of CLI units, the unit parses the output of the CLI command directly into OC YANG. In case of Netconf units, the output is mapped to OC YANG through Device YANG (YANG model supported by the device). In case of Netconf units, the YANG is also written in documentation. This section is a link to XML unit test input testing this operation.


Link to github code where this show command is implemented along with unit version range.


Go to config datasets


PUT operation with given URL will result in creating of data in config datastore DELETE operation with given URL will result in removing data in config datastore


In case of configuration commands, this section represents the HTTP body in PUT operation


In this section we list the actual router commands that are mapped to the OpenConfig YANG model. Data transformed into OpenConfig YANG is marked as bold. We list commands for each supported device OS.

IOS XR | IOS Classic/XE | Junos


In case of Netconf units, the device yang represents command sent to the device in device YANG model. This section is a link to XML unit test input testing this configuration.


Link to github code where this config command is implemented along with unit version range.