UniConfig 4.2.3
- create Lighty based distribution - removal of Apache Karaf altogether, this distribution is based on lighty.io
- RPC input/output rework
- Unification of RPC inputs/outputs
- Prevent any network wide operations if no node id has been passed- All RPCs MUST specify node-id of nodes they are affecting
- new UniConfig transactions - create-transaction, cancel-transaction are used in HA deployments
- bugfixing
UniConfig Native
- separate schema contexts based on device type - it allows to mount devices with same YANG models but different revisions
- adding of AAA support
- adding of TLS support
- update to RFC-8040 based RESTCONF - only this version runs by default
- usage of schema context based on device type for data parsing
- creation of custom UniConfig JSON/XML parsers/serializers
- added models: ipsec, frinx-if-ethernet-extension
- added various extensions for Brocade TUs
- run-time loading of netconf cache repositories
- division of netconf cache based on device type
- creation of schema context from netconf-cache
- bugfixing
Translation Units
- bugfixing
Known Issues
JSON response for GET snapshots of UniConfig-native nodes contain generated prefix "uniconfig-<number>-" (e.g. native-529687306-Cisco-IOS-XR-ifmgr-cfg:interface-configurations). This issue does not have an impact on RPC replace-config-with-snapshot.