Subtree Manager
The subtree manager copies (merge/replace) subtrees between source and target paths in Configuration or Operational datastore of UniConfig. When one of these RPCs is called, Subtree Manager (SM) reads the configuration from the source path and according to type of operation (merge / replace), copies the subtree data to target path. Target path is a parent path UNDER which data is copied. SM also distinguishes type of source / target datastore.
All RPCs support merging/replacing of configuration between two different schemas ('version drop' feature). This feature is handy, when it is necessary to copy some configuration between two mounted nodes that are described by slightly different YANG schemas. The following changes between schemas are tolerated:
- Skipping non-existing composite nodes and leaves,
- Adjusting namespace and revision in node identifiers, only name of nodes must match with target schema,
- Moving nodes between choice and augmentation schema nodes,
- Adjusting value format to target type definition of leaf or leaf-list schema node.
RPC copy-one-to-one
Provides a list of supported operations on subscriptions, includes request examples and workflow diagrams.
RPC copy-one-to-many
Provides a list of supported operations on subscriptions, includes request examples and workflow diagrams.
RPC copy-many-to-one
Provides a list of supported operations on subscriptions, includes request examples and workflow diagrams.
RPC calculate-subtree-diff
Provides a list of supported operations on subscriptions, includes request examples and workflow diagrams.
RPC calculate-subtree-git-like-diff
Provides a list of supported operations on subscriptions, includes request examples and workflow diagrams.
RPC bulk-edit
Applies multiple modifications to a list of target nodes.