Templates Manager
Templates can be utilised to reuse some configuration and more easily apply this configuration into target UniConfig nodes.
Basic properties of templates in UniConfig:
- All templates are stored under the
topology and each template is represented by a separatenode
list entry. - The entire template configuration is placed under the
container in theConfiguration
datastore. Because of this, the configuration of a template can be accessed and modified in the same way as a UniConfig node. - Templates are validated against a single schema context. The schema
context is selected when a template is created using
query parameter. The value of the query parameter defines the name of the schema repository that is placed under the UniConfig distribution in the form of the directory.
Currently implemented template features:
- Used for template parametrisation.Tags
- Used to select an operation that is applied to the specific subtree when the template is applied to a UniConfig node.
Schema validation of leaves and leaf-lists is adjusted so that it can accept both string with variables and original YANG type.
- RPC apply-template
- RPC create-multiple-templates
- RPC get-template-info
- RPC get-template-nodes
- RPC upgrade-template
Latest-schema defines the name of the schema repository whose built schema context is used for template validation.
Latest-schema is used only if the uniconfig-schema-repository
query parameter is not defined when creating the template.
If the query parameter is defined, latest-schema is ignored.
Configuring latest-schema
Latest-schema can be set using a PUT request. It is placed in the Config datastore. The name of the directory must point to an existing schema repository placed under the UniConfig distribution.
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8181/rests/data/schema-settings:schema-settings/latest-schema' \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"latest-schema" : "schemas-1"
GET request can be used to check if latest-schema is placed in the config datastore.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8181/rests/data/schema-settings:schema-settings/latest-schema' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
"latest-schema" : "schemas-1"
Auto-upgrading latest-schema
Latest-schema can be automatically upgraded by UniConfig after installing a new YANG repository. YANG repository is installed after deploying of new type of NETCONF/GRPC device or after manual invocation of RPC for loading of new YANG repository from directory.
In order to enable auto-upgrading process, latestSchemaReferenceModuleName
must be specified in the
application.properties file:
# Template settings
After new YANG repository is installed, UniConfig will look for revision of the
module in the repository. If the revision found is more recent than the last cached
revision, UniConfig will automatically write identifier of the fresh repository into 'latest-schema' configuration.
Afterward, 'latest-schema' is used by UniConfig the same way as it would be written manually via RESTCONF.
Using variables it is possible to parametrise values in the template. Structural parametrisation is not currently supported.
- Format of the variable: '{$variable-id}'.
- Variables can be set to each leaf and leaf-list in the template.
- Single leaf or leaf-list may contain multiple variables.
- Key of the list can also contain variable.
- Variables are substituted by provided values at the application of template to UniConfig node.
- It is possible to escape characters of the variable pattern ('$', '{', '}'), so they will be interpreted as value and not part of the variable.
- Variable identifier may contain any UTF-8 characters. Characters '$', '{', '}' must be escaped, if they are part of the variable identifier.
Examples with variables
A. Leaf with one variable
- The following example shows 2 leaves with 2 variables: 'var-1' and 'var-2'.
"leaf-a": "{$var-1}",
"leaf-b": "{$var-2}"
Application of values '10' and 'false' to 'var-1', and 'var-2'. Leaf 'leaf-a' has 'int32' type and 'leaf-b' has 'boolean' type.
"leaf-a": 10,
"leaf-b": false
B. Leaf with multiple variables
- Leaf 'leaf-a' contains 2 variables and surrounding text that is not part of any variable.
- Leaf 'leaf-b' contains 2 variable without additional text - substituted values of these variables are concatenated at application of template.
"leaf-a": "custom {$var-x} text {$var-y}",
"leaf-b": "{$var-1}{$var-2}"
Application of values - 'var-x': 'next', 'var-y': '7', 'var-1': '10', 'var-2': '9'. Leaf 'leaf-a' has 'string' type and 'leaf-b' has 'int32' type.
"leaf-a": "custom next text 7",
"leaf-b": 109
C. Leaf-list with one variable
- Leaf-list 'leaf-list-a' contains variable with identifier 'var-x'.
- This variable can be substituted by one or multiple values. If multiple values are provided in the apply-template RPC, they are 'unwrapped' to the leaf-list in form of next leaf-list entries.
"leaf-list-a": [
Substitution of 'var-x' with numbers '10', '20', '30' results in ('int32' type):
"leaf-list-a": [
10, 20, 30
D. Leaf-list with multiple variables
- Leaf-list 'leaf-list-a' contains 2 variables with identifiers 'var-a' and 'var-2'. String "str3" represents constant value.
- It is possible to substitute both variables with one or multiple variables.
"leaf-list-a": [
Substitution of 'var-a' with texts 'str1', 'str2' and 'var-b' with 'str4' results in ('string' type):
"leaf-list-a": [
If leaf-list is marked as "ordered-by user", then the order of leaf-list elements is preserved during substitution process.
E. Leaf-list with entry that contains multiple variables
- Leaf-list 'leaf-list-a' contains 2 variables inside one leaf-list entry: 'var-a' and 'var-b'.
- Both variables must be substituted by the same number of values.
"leaf-list-a": [
"ratio: {$var-a}%{$var-b}",
- Application of following values to variables 'var-a' and 'var-b': 'var-a' = ['10', '20', '30'], 'var-b' = ['50', '70', '60'].
"leaf-list-a": [
"ratio: 10%50",
"ratio: 20%70",
"ratio: 30%60",
F. Leaves and leaf-lists with escaped special characters
- The following example demonstrates escaping of special characters outside the variable identifier (leaf-list 'leaf-list-a') and inside the variable identifier (leaf 'leaf-a').
- Unescaped identifier of the leaf 'leaf-a': 'var-{2}'.
"leaf-list-a": [
"{$var-1} text \\{\\$this-is-not-variable\\}"
"leaf-a": "{$var-\\{2\\}}"
Substitution of 'var-1' by 'prefix' and 'var-{2}' by '10':
"leaf-list-a": [
"prefix text {$this-is-not-variable}"
"leaf-a": 10
By default, all templates have assigned 'merge' tag to the root 'configuration' container - if template doesn't explicitly define next tags in the data-tree, then the whole template is merged to target UniConfig node configuration at execution of apply-template RPC. However, it is possible to set custom tags to data-tree elements of the template.
- Tags are represented in UniConfig using node attributes with the following identifier: 'template-tags:operation'.
- In RESTCONF, attributes are encoded using special notation that is explained in the 'RESTCONF' user guide.
- Tags are inherited through the data-tree of the template. If data-tree element doesn't define any tag, then it is inherited from parent element.
- Only single tag can be applied to one data node.
- Tags can be applied to following YANG structures: container, list, leaf-list, leaf, list entry, leaf-list entry.
Currently, the following tags are supported:
- merge: Merges with a node if it exists, otherwise creates the node.
- replace: Replaces a node if it exists, otherwise creates the node.
- delete: Deletes the node.
- create: Creates a node. The node can not already exist. An error is raised if the node exists.
- update: Merges with a node if it exists. If it does not exist, it will not be created.
Examples with tags
A. Tags applied to container, list, and leaf
Template with name 'user_template' that contains 'merge', 'replace', and 'create' tags:
"node": [
"node-id": "user_template",
"frinx-uniconfig-topology:configuration": {
"system:system": {
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "update"
"users": {
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "replace"
"#": [
"name": "test-${username}",
"login": "{$login}",
"role": "{$role}",
"password": {
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "create"
"#": "{$password}"
Description of all operations in the correct order that are done based on the defined tags:
- Container 'configuration' will be merged to target UniConfig node (implicit root operation).
- Container 'system:system' will be updated - its content is merged only, if it has already been created.
- The whole list 'users' will be replaced in the target UniConfig node.
- Leaf named 'password' will be created at the target UniConfig node - it cannot exist under 'users' list entry, otherwise the error will be raised.
B: Tags applied to leaf-list, leaf-list entry, and list entry:
The following JSON represents content of sample template with multiple tags:
- 'replace' tag is applied to single list 'my-list' entry
- 'merge' tag is applied to whole 'leaf-list-a' leaf-list
- 'create' tag is applied to whole 'leaf-list-b' leaf-list
- 'delete' tag is applied to single leaf-list 'leaf-list-b' entry with value '10'
"c1": {
"my-list": [
"key": "k1",
"value": 10,
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "replace"
"leaf-list-a": {
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "merge"
"#": [
"leaf-list-b": {
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "create"
"#": [
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "delete"
"#": 10
Creating a template
A new template can be created by sending PUT request to new template node under 'templates' topology with populated 'configuration' container. Name of the template equals to name of the 'node' list entry. This RESTCONF call must contain specified schema cache repository using the 'uniconfig-schema-repository' query parameter in order to successfully match sent data-tree with correct schema context (it is usually associated with some type of NETCONF device).
The following example shows creation of new template with name 'interface_template' using 'schemas_1' schema repository. The body of the PUT request contains whole 'configuration' container.
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8181/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=templates/node=interface_template/frinx-uniconfig-topology:configuration?uniconfig-schema-repository=schemas_1' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"frinx-uniconfig-topology:configuration": {
"interfaces:interfaces": [
"name": "eth-0/{$interface-id}",
"enabled": "{$enabled}",
"description": "purpose: '\''{$description}'\'''\''",
"type": "{$type}",
"unit": [
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "replace"
"vlan-id": "{$unit-id}",
"enable": false,
"name": "{$unit-id}",
"family-inet": {
"address": [
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "update"
"address": "{$ip-address}"
Read/update/delete template
All CRUD operations with templates can be done using standard RESTCONF PUT/DELETE/POST/PLAIN PATCH methods. As long as template contains some data under 'configuration' container, next RESTCONF calls, that work with templates, don't have to contain 'uniconfig-schema-repository' query parameter, since type of the device is already known.
Examples - RESTCONF operations
Reading specific subtree under 'interface_template' - unit with name '{$unit-id}' that is placed under interface with name 'eth-0/{$interface-id}'.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8181/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=templates/node=interface_template/frinx-uniconfig-topology:configuration/interfaces:interfaces=eth-0%2F%7B%24interface-id%7D/unit=%7B%24unit-id%7D?content=config' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
"unit": [
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "replace"
"vlan-id": "{$unit-id}",
"enable": false,
"name": "{$unit-id}",
"family-inet": {
"address": [
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "update"
"address": "{$ip-address}"
Changing 'update' tag of the 'address' list entry to 'create' tag using PLAIN-PATCH RESTCONF method.
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8181/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=templates/node=interface_template/frinx-uniconfig-topology:configuration/interfaces:interfaces=eth-0%2F%7B%24interface-id%7D/unit=%7B%24unit-id%7D/family-inet/address=%7B%24ip-address%7D' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"address": [
"@": {
"template-tags:operation": "create"
"address": "{$ip-address}"