# Install all devices from inventory

When Device Inventory contains a lot of devices, it can be tedious to install them one by one. To make things easier, there is a workflow which allows to install all devices present in the inventory.

Follow these instructions to use the workflow:

At the FRINX Machine Dashboard under Workflow Manage section click on Explore workflows panel. The page titled Workflow definitions opens. Use Search workflow by name input box and fill in Install_all_from_inventory and click Search button.

Search for workflow Install_all_from_inventory
Search for workflow Install_all_from_inventory

The list of workflows narrows down to two items - workflows Install_all_from_inventory and Uninstall_all_from_inventory. Click blue Execute button (blue play icon) located on the row next to the workflow. The form titled with the name of workflow Install_all_from_inventory appears and optionally you can fill in the input parameter labels which allows to select a subset of devices to install. (You can specify a device label while adding devices to Device Inventory.) We want to install all uninstalled devices - do not fill in the input labels and click Execute workflow button. As a result to the left of the Execute workflow button will appear the link Executed workflow in detail.

Execute workflow Install_all_from_inventory
Execute workflow Install_all_from_inventory

After you click the link Executed workflow in detail you will be navigated to a page with details of the executed workflow - it displays individual tasks for this workflow, it is possible to click whatever task and examine its inputs and outputs, whether it was successful or unsuccessful etc.

Note: Similarily you can use workflow Uninstall_all_from_inventory to uninstall all devices at once.