Uniconfig 5.0.19 Release Notes
✅ New Features
Fixed hardcoded part and added one more if condition to receiver transceiver data for IOS-XE (#493)
Stable XR6 XR66 devices (#471)
Implementation of storing failed installations into DB (stable 5.0.x)
Implemented TU for adding/removing users for Saos6 (#438)
Implemented TU for collecting transceiver information for IOS-XE (#439)
❌ Bug Fixes
Downgraded sshd to 2.8.0
Fix uninstall -> install transition
Swagger: fix generation of operational APIs (5.0.X)
Fix CVEs
Fixed reading public key from NETCONF device (NPE)
Fixed distribution of mount failure from GNMi layer
Swagger: Fix path filtering
💡 Improvements
expose gnmi parameters
add overallStatus to multiple-nodes-rpc-output
Improved error message when connection cannot be created
Exposed DOMMountPointService configuration
Optimization of mountpoint notifications
Added logs into DOM Mountpoint Service
🔧 Other
Configurable re-sending cli commands
Fixed mount point creation for CLI topology
Removed unified-topology.yang
Refactored unified layer and mounting/unmounting process - updates
Refactored unified layer and mounting/unmounting process
Added logging level for shell to the logback.xml