Create loopback all in uniconfig
Demo: Creating a loopback address on devices stored in the inventory
This workflow creates a loopback interface on all devices installed in the inventory or on all devices filtered by labels. Labels are markers that serve as a differentiator.
- Check if all devices are installed. You can install them manually or by executing the Install_all_from_inventory / 1 workflow.
- On the main page, select Explore workflows. In the Search by keyword column, enter loopback. The Create_loopback_all_in_uniconfig / 1 workflow will appear in the list. Under Actions, select the corresponding Run button for the workflow.
- Under loopback_id, insert 77 and select Execute. Click on the link that appears.
- All tasks were executed correctly and are completed.
On the results page, you will see five individual tasks:
This workflow displays a list of all devices in the inventory or devices filtered by label. It parses the output in the correct format for the dynamic fork, which creates a number of tasks depending on the number of devices in the inventory.
This is the dynamic fork sub-workflow. In this case, it creates UNICONFIG_write_structured_device_data for every individual device in the inventory. You can then get detailed information on the progress and succession of every device.
This remote procedure call creates a difference between the actual UniConfig topology devices and the intended UniConfig topology nodes.
This remote procedure call resolves the difference between actual and intended device configurations. After all changes are applied, the cli-dryrun journal is read and a remote procedure call output is created and returned.
This is the final task that actually commits the intended configuration to the devices.