UniConfig-native CLI
UniConfig-native CLI allows user configuration of CLI-enabled devices using YANG models that describe configuration commands. In UniConfig-native CLI deployment translation units are defined only by YANG models and device-specific characteristics that are used for parsing and serialization of commands. Afterwards, readers and writers are automatically created and provided to translation registry - user doesn't write them individually. YANG models can be constructed by following of well-defined rules that are explained in Developer Guide.
Summarized characteristics of UniConfig-native CLI:
- modelling of device configuration using YANG models,
- automatic provisioning of readers and writers by generic translation unit,
- simple translation units per device type that must define device-characteristics and set of YANG models.
CLI device can be installed as native-CLI device by adding 'uniconfig-config:uniconfig-native-enabled' flag with 'true' value into the mount request (by default, this flag is set to 'false'). It is also required to use tree parsing engine that is enabled by default. All other mount request parameters that can be applied for classic CLI mountpoints can also be used in native-CLI configuration with the same meaning.
The following example shows how to mount Cisco IOS XR 5.3.4 device as native-CLI device with enabled dry-run functionality:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8181/rests/operations/connection-manager:install-node' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"input": {
"node-id": "iosxr",
"cli": {
"cli-topology:host": "",
"cli-topology:port": "22",
"cli-topology:transport-type": "ssh",
"cli-topology:device-type": "ios xr",
"cli-topology:device-version": "5.3.4",
"cli-topology:username": "cisco",
"cli-topology:password": "cisco",
"cli-topology:journal-size": 150,
"cli-topology:dry-run-journal-size": 150,
"cli-topology:parsing-engine": "batch-parser",
"uniconfig-config:install-uniconfig-node-enabled": false,
"uniconfig-config:uniconfig-native-enabled": true
After mounting of CLI node finishes, you can verify CLI mountpoint by fetching its Operational datastore:
curl --location --request GET ''
You can see that there are some native models included in the 'available-capabilities' plus basic mandatory capabilities for CLI mountpoints. Number of supported native capabilities depends on number of written models that are included in native-CLI translation unit for IOS XR 5.3.4, in this case. The only common capability for all native-CLI mountpoints is 'http://frinx.io/yang/native/extensions?module=cli-native-extensions'. Sample list of native capabilities:
The synced configuration on UniConfig layer can be verified in the same way as for all types of devices:
curl --request GET ''
Since sample device configuration contains both ACL and interface configuration and native-CLI IOS XR 5.* covers this configuration, the synced data looks like the next output:
"frinx-uniconfig-topology:configuration": {
"xr5-acl-clinative:ipv4": {
"access-list": [
"name": "ACL02",
"sequence-number": 30,
"permit": "ipv4 any any"
"name": "ACL01",
"sequence-number": 30,
"permit": "eigrp any any"
"name": "ACL02",
"sequence-number": 20,
"deny": "icmp echo"
"name": "ACL01",
"sequence-number": 20,
"permit": "ospf any any"
"name": "ACL01",
"sequence-number": 40,
"deny": "ipv4 host any log"
"name": "ACL02",
"sequence-number": 10,
"deny": "esp any icmp-off"
"name": "ACL01",
"sequence-number": 10,
"permit": "tcp range 1 1024"
"xr5-acl-clinative:ipv6": {
"access-list": [
"name": "ACL6-01",
"sequence-number": 40,
"permit": "ipv6 any any"
"name": "ACL6-01",
"sequence-number": 10,
"remark": "This is just a test"
"name": "ACL6-01",
"sequence-number": 20,
"permit": "tcp fe10::10/64 eq 1451 any syn"
"name": "ACL6-01",
"sequence-number": 30,
"deny": "ospf fe20::20/64 host fe10::101"
"xr5-interfaces-clinative:interface": [
"name": "MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0",
"ipv4": {
"address": ""
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2"
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0",
"shutdown": [
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1"
The previous sample output corresponds to the following parts of the configuration on the device:
ipv6 access-list ACL6-01
10 remark "This is just a test"
20 permit tcp fe10::10/64 eq 1451 any syn
30 deny ospf fe20::20/64 host fe10::101
40 permit ipv6 any any
ipv4 access-list ACL01
10 permit tcp range 1 1024
20 permit ospf any any
30 permit eigrp any any
40 deny ipv4 host any log
ipv4 access-list ACL02
10 deny esp any icmp-off
20 deny icmp echo
30 permit ipv4 any any
interface MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0
ipv4 address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2
The following section describes building blocks and automated processes that take place in UniConfig-native CLI.
The following UML diagram shows dependencies between modules from which UniConfig native-cli is built. The core of the system is represented by 'native-cli-unit' module in CLI layer that depends on CLI API for registration of units and readers and writers API. On the other side there are CLI-units that extend 'GenericCliNativeUnit'.
Description of modules:
- utils-unit and translation-registry-api/spi: CLI layer API which native-cli units depend on. It defines interface for CLI readers/writers, translation unit collector that can be used for registration of native-CLI unit, and common 'TranslateUnit' interface.
- native-cli-unit: It is responsible for automatic provisioning and registration of readers and writers (handlers) based on YANG modules that are defined in specific translation units. Readers and writers are initialized only for root container and list schema nodes defined in YANG models. All specific native-CLI units must be derived from abstract class 'GenericCliNativeUnit'.
- ios-xr-5-native and junos-17-native: Specific native-CLI units derived from 'GenericCliNativeUnit'. To make native-CLI unit working, it must implement methods that provides list of YANG modules, list of root data object interface, supported device versions, unit name, and CLI flavour.
Registration of handlers
Registration of native-CLI handlers is described by following sequence diagram in detail.
Description of the process:
- Searching for root schema node: Extraction of the root list and container schema nodes from nodes that are augmented to UniConfig topology.
- Building of device template information: Extraction of device template information from imported template YANG modules. This template contains command used for displaying of whole device configuration, format of configuration command, and format of delete command.
- Initialization of handlers: Creation of native-CLI config readers and writers or native-CLI list readers and writers in case of list schema nodes.
- Registration of handlers: Registration of readers and writers in reader and writer registries. Readers are registered as generic config readers, whereas writers are registered as wildcarded subtree writers.
Since native-CLI readers are not registered as subtree readers, it is possible to directly read only root elements from CLI mountpoint. This constraint is caused by unsupported wildcarded subtree readers in Honeycomb framework.
Functionality of readers
Config readers and config list readers in UniConfig-native CLI are implemented as generic readers that parse device configuration into structuralized format based on registered native-CLI YANG models. These readers are initialized and registered per root data schema node that is supported in native-CLI. The next sequence diagram shows process taken by generic reader on calling 'readCurrentAttributes(..)' method.
Description of the process:
- Creation of the configuration tree: It represents current device configuration by sending of 'show' command which is responsible for displaying of whole device configuration.
- Transformation of configuration tree: It is transformed into binding-independent NormalizedNode using 'ConfigTreeStreamReader' component.
- Conversion into binding-aware format: Conversion of binding-independent NormalizedNode into binding-aware DataObject and population of DataObject builder by fields from built DataObject.
Configuration is parsed into structuralized form before it is actually transformed into NormalizedNodes (step 1) because of more modular and easier approach. Configuration tree consists of 3 types of nodes:
- Command nodes: They are represented by the last identifiers of the commands (command word). These nodes don't have any children nodes.
- Section nodes: These nodes are represented by the command word / identifier that opens a new configuration section. Section nodes can have multiple children nodes.
- Connector nodes: Connector nodes are similar to section nodes with identifier and multiple possible children nodes. However, they don't open a new configuration section; they represent just one intermediary word in command line.
Example - parsing of interface commands into the tree structure:
Detailed description of algorithm for transformation of configuration tree into DOM objects:
If some commands are not covered by native-CLI YANG models, the parsing of configuration in readers will not fail - unsupported nodes will be skipped.
Functionality of writers
Config writers and config list writers are responsible for serialization of structuralized data from datastore into series of configuration or delete command lines that are compatible with target device. Native CLI writers are also registered only for root schema nodes on the same paths as readers. The next sequence diagram shows process taken by generic writer on calling 'writeCurrentAttributes(..)' or 'deleteCurrentAttributes(..)' method.
Description of the process:
- Conversion into binding-independent format: Conversion of binding-aware DataObject into binding-independent NormalizedNode format. Binding-independent format is more suited for automated traversal and building when the target class types of nodes are not known before compilation of YANG schemas is done.
- Generation of command lines: NormalizedNode is serialized using stream writer into configuration buckets that are afterwards serialized into separated command lines. Conversion of configuration buckets into command lines can be customized by different strategies. Currently only the primitive strategy is used - it creates for each leaf command argument the full command line from top root - nesting into configuration modes is not supported. This step is described in detail by next activity diagram.
- Generation of configuration or delete command lines: It is done by application of configuration or delete template on command line - for example, JUNOS devices use prefix 'set' for applying of the configuration and prefix 'delete' for removal of configuration from device.
- Squashing of command lines into single snippet: This is only optimization step - all command lines are joined together with newline separator.
- Sending of command to the device (blocking operation).
Configuration buckets are created as intermediary step because of the modularity and flexibility for application of different serialization strategies in future. There are 3 types of created buckets that are wired with respective schema nodes:
- Leaf bucket: Bucket that doesn't have any children but it has a value in addition to the identifier. It is created from LeafNode.
- Composite bucket: Bucket with identifier and possibly multiple children buckets. It can be used for following types of DOM nodes: ContainerNode or MapEntryNode.
- Delegating bucket: Bucket that doesn't have any identifier, it just delegates configuration to its children buckets. It can be used for nodes that are described by ChoiceNode or MapNode.
The current implementation processes updates in default way - the whole actual configuration is removed and then the whole updated configuration is written back to device. This strategy can cause slow down of the commit operation in case of longer configuration and because of this reason it is addressed as one of the future improvements.