# Database JSONB Filtering

# Jsonb-filter expression

The base expression must contain path, operator and value. The jsonb-filter can contain one or more expressions joined with AND (&&) or OR (||) operator. if the && operator is used it must be encoded.


The path to the data that the users want to filter. The path can be:

  1. Relative path

In this case, the path must be prefixed with <@>. This path is relative to the parent-path

  1. Absolute path

In this case, a path must be prefixed with $. This path must start with a top-level parent container


Single key:


Composite key:



When the path is constructed then the user can use one of the operators in the table below

Value/Predicate Description Description
== Equality operator
!= Non-equality operator
<> Non-equality operator (same as !=)
< Less-than operator
<= Less-than-or-equal-to operator
> Greater-than operator
>= Greater-than-or-equal-to operator
true Value used to perform a comparison with JSON true literal
false Value used to perform a comparison with JSON false literal
null Value used to perform a comparison with JSON null value
&& Boolean AND
|| Boolean OR
! Boolean NOT
like_regex Tests whether the first operand matches the regular expression given by the second operand
starts with Equality operator
exists Equality operator
is unknown Equality operator


The last element of the jsonb-filter expression is a value based on which the user wants to filter the data.

# Jsonb-filter examples

1. Examples of using the relative paths in the jsonb-filter

Example of filtering the list of interfaces based on the enabled parameter where the equality operator is used as the operator

http://localhost:8181/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=uniconfig/node=IOSXR/configuration/frinx-openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface?jsonb-filter={@/config/enabled} == true&content=nonconfig

Example of filtering the list of interfaces based on the mtu parameter where the less-than is used as the operator

http://localhost:8181/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=uniconfig/node=IOSXR/configuration/frinx-openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface?jsonb-filter={@/config/mtu} < 1600&content=nonconfig

Example of filtering the list of interfaces based on the name parameter where the like_regex is used as the operator

http://localhost:8181/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=uniconfig/node=IOSXR/configuration/frinx-openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface?jsonb-filter={@/config/name} like_regex "Bundle.*"&content=nonconfig

Example of filtering the list of interfaces where a combination of expressions is used

http://localhost:8181/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=uniconfig/node=IOSXR/configuration/frinx-openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface?jsonb-filter=({@/config/name} != "Bundle-Ether1" %26%26 {@/config/name} starts with "Bundle-Ether") || ({@/config/name} like_regex "Gigabit.*" %26%26 {@/config/enabled} == true)&content=nonconfig

Example of filtering the list of interfaces where the exists operator is used


2. Example of using the absolute path in the jsonb-filter

Example of filtering the list of interfaces based on the name parameter where equality operator is used as the operator. Interface name "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2" is a key value that contains slashes. For this reason, it is necessary to wrap this key into wrapping symbols (#GigabitEthernet0/0/0/) and also encode these symbols %28%23GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2%29.
